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Healing Pain is painful

Healing can hurt

Good evening earth angels and lightworkers

We are very glad that you are eager to start your journey we are grateful for you for coming forward and wanting to collaborate with us

We are with you all the time ! please know this as you have the tendency to forget this when you process heavy energies, when you in that process we go a little bit to the background of your heart knowing , it is hard for you to feel the light energies when you need to swallow something bigger . We understand that and we ask you to remember that, cause we love you always and protect your best interest always -please know this -we keep saying this, know this and remember this especially in the darkest times of all.

So when you are ready to heal yourself and you are ready to lead the light into the tunnel, you are really starting to confront the side of human faces and vibrations that haven't

been activated yet to the light.

That at times will play out in the face of your most loving caring friend, family, lover, kid, teacher, helper or care giver. Please pay attention that when you heal, you start to release your most cherish pain, the one that you hid from yourself so well all over the years and many life times, in your generation , can you imagine how hard it is , but what it is good for you to know is that the work has been done for you, that the healing process is so easy now -so easy to digest, and necessary, that physically you go through a 3 day of some heavy emotion and that is it, no longer you need to be sick for so long and carry it for years. We and many light workers like you have prepared the ground for it .

We are asking you -please know that you are healing , that light pours into your hearts now and your mind , the pain you feel, is the notice of a new era of joy and lightness to become your new state of being, an equilibrium , at no price and no fight. We are asking you now to surrender more to the flow of love and grace that you are receiving now-the things that you feel that are good for you, focus more and more on them, love is easy love is light, love is fun, love is gentle, love is inclusive, love is freedom, love is not asking for anything in return, love is you . you are pure love, you are pure light-all of you. Nothing that you ever done is wrong , release the shame and the guilt now, it is not yours to begin with.

Look at the light -see the vision of light in front of you and slowly let all the rest melt. We love you dearly -we love you unconditionally , we always have loved you, you are the most precious child of God/Gaia to us.

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